Salary Negotiation Courses

Our salary negotiation courses are built on hundreds of successful salary negotiations and will teach you how to secure higher pay – that way you secure competitive compensation in your next job offer or at your current company.

How to Negotiate A JOb Offer Course

Interviewing or about to receive a job offer? Make sure you get paid what you're really worth in your next role. In How To Negotiate A Job Offer, you'll learn how to negotiate a job offer like a pro.

Length: 2.5 hours
Format: Video + Text + Downloadable Templates, Scripts, & Tools
Cost: $197 USD

What’s in How To Negotiate A Job Offer Course?

How to Negotiate A Raise Course

Do you feel that you should be paid more in your current role? Then it’s time to get paid your worth at your current company and stop settling for less. In How To Negotiate A Raise, you'll learn how to negotiate the pay in your current role like a pro.

Length: 2.5 hours
Format: Video + Text + Downloadable Templates, Scripts, & Tools
Cost: $197 USD

What’s in How To Negotiate A Raise Course?

Take Our Salary Negotiation Courses

Our salary negotiation courses will assist you in negotiating starting salary for a new role or renegotiating salary at your current company. Our proven salary negotiation tactics can help you achieve the top end of the pay band and ensure you receive competitive pay.


How to Negotiate a Job Offer Course Job Offer Negotiation Course
  • Get our job offer negotiation strategies, templates, scripts, and guidance.
  • Access our step-by-step lessons, compensation research guides, and tools.
  • Access Now
How to Negotiate a Raise Course Raise Negotiation Course
  • Get our raise negotiation strategies, templates, scripts, and guidance.
  • Access our step-by-step lessons, compensation research guides, and tools.
  • Access Now